Concert Piano Studio 

Where words fail,

music speaks.

Professional Piano Lessons

Piano Lessons by Professional Piano Instructor Karina Gordievich


Concert Piano Studio offers our students private piano instruction for ALL ages (from 4yrs old to adults) and ALL levels (beginner to advanced). Lessons are generally offered weekly in 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 1 hour increments by our current hourly rate. 


Although classical music provides many tools you would need to play many other genres, the repertoire can consist of popular music, jazz, sacred, etc.

In the lessons, the students will also have an opportunity to learn about music theory and history, so that the more well-rounded education they receive is very exciting and inspirational.

Music research has shown that kids who are involved in music have enhanced brain function that lasts their entire lifetime and it helps with the development of many other essential areas, while for the older adults it's a vital tool in keeping the brain active.

With over 13 years of teaching experience & 30 years of performing, my goal as an instructor is not only to teach good technique and musicality, but also to make music fun and encourage my students to develop their own style.


Located in Allyn of Mason County Washington we are dedicated to helping those interested in learning the piano with professional private instruction for students of all ages. 

Please call or text us at (360) 801-5888 to inquire about our current rates and lesson time availability.  We look forward to assisting you with your goals in becoming a more accomplished musician!